Monday, March 30, 2009

In the Slums of Mumbai

Throughout this semester, we have covered a lot about the negative impacts of the media. We've covered how the media project false realities, and how the majority of the time those behind the media have commercial implications and not our best interests at heart. However, the media does bring benefits to people around the world.
In the recent film, Slumdog Millionaire, kids from the actual slums in Mumbai were chosen to star in the film. This has provided many opportunities the kids would never have gotten otherwise.
Azharuddin Ismail and Rubina Ali, who played Latika and Salim at a young age, have lived in the slums all there life and know first hand the real life hardships and horrifying realities depicted in the movie. The movie has allowed the two stars to attend school, as the producers enrolled them and have paid for their education until the age of 18. Two trust funds have also been set up in their names and if they stay in school until 18, they will receive the money from the trust fund. This is completely beneficial to helping them get out of the slums. Providing them with the education and money to do just that, gives them hope.
I think this is an excellent example of how the media, is sometimes beneficial to our world. Through making this film, two kids in the slums have been helped. They are receiving the money and education every child should have access too. The producers made a wise decision to pick kids from the slums. By bringing the story of the slums to the public eye, it could start chain reactions modeled after what the producers did for the two actors. Maybe only two kids are being helped now, but what about organizations and people like you and me who see this film and want to make a difference?
This movie has definitely brought awareness to all who view it. I don't think I ever would have taken much thought or really even known about the situation in India if it weren't for this movie. With Slumdog, we were given the chance to use the media for the greater good. The movie isn't just telling the story of Jamal Malik, it's telling the story of so many young adults and children in the slums.
The film and its producers have encouraged me to think about others and not just myself, and to explore all the ways we can share our prosperity with others.


  1. I couldn't agree more with you Lauren. I think that this movie has really opened our eyes as viewers to the sad reality of these poor kids living in the Slums. Not only was it a story about a boy growing up in this part of India but relays the story of so many other children who are victims of the slums. From you posting this I've really come to senses with the overall message that, that movie has provided us with. It has drawn in awareness for the Slums and hopefully people out there realize that those situations in the movie occur all the time. The slums of India are a very dangerous place to live and the reality of it is that most don't get a life outside of it. What the media has done with creating this movie is exactly that, its created awareness for all and with our generous society hopefully we can change other peoples lives just like Azharuddin Ismail and Rubina Ali. If i hadn't read your blog I never would have knew that the producers had set up a fund for these two children and I think it was an amazing idea to do. Even helping just two children, that's still two children that can have a life that everyone all over the world deserves. The slum children should have no less of a chance for success than myself or any other child living here in Canada. Slumdog Millionaire brought great awareness to a cause that might of otherwise been neglected, and for the sake of the inhabitants there, the media them out and brought hope that might never have been thought possible. What a great topic!

  2. I agree - a great topic to select. You are obviously a fan of the film, and have done some research to inform your classmates (and me - I haven't seen it yet) of the reality behind the construction (sources??). Media can definitely be a powerful change agent in our society. Has this information been widely publicized, or did you have to search to find this out?

  3. I haven't seen this film yet,although after reading your blog I am intrigued to. I am intrigued to watch it because as you mentioned the kids in the movie are pulled right from the slums, I think it would be a nice change from seeing the same kind of people starring in movies, this makes the movie real. This is also a topic that I am not very familiar with, so this can help educate me. Overall thanks for introducing me to the back round of the film, and a very cool topic to choose!
